MCTC Group is a collection of 3 companies working in different areas but related to each other in a unique way. It consists of a construction company by name Marmul Contracting & Trading L.L.C which is mainly involved with highway construction between the cities and road construction in the sultanate of Oman's oil and gas fields.

Majan Energy L.L.C. which works with renewable energy and water treatment. The produced water from the oil and gas wells are treaded and recycled, the energy produced for the machines purifying the water comes from solar plants which are installed in the same fields. 

Majan Agriculture Services L.L.C. is using the recycled water from the oil and gas fields for irrigation and agricultural purposes. This way we not only save the water from the oil and gas fields, but also raising our productivity in agriculture by having an irrigation system which is cost effective and environment friendly.